叩き上げの英語 234
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叩き上げの英語 234


Woman1: How is yours, sergeant?
I: ・・・・・・・・・
Woman2: How were Japanese women that you made love with?
I: ・・・・・・・・・
Woman3: Are you married?
I: Yes, I am.
Woman3: How can you go without your wife here?
Woman4: You had better keep your hands on the blanket when you go to bed alone.
I: I sure will.  


Woman4の意味は知る人ぞ知るで、私はここで解説する勇気はない。 最初に私を制止した女性は他の女性から見て年嵩であった。私の目の前にずっといたが、この辺が潮どきと思ったのであろう。


The woman: That’s good enough, girls. And you can go now, sergeant. I hope you will enjoy America a lot.